
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Odyssey

Walking down the road,
Crossing the street,
The world keeps moving
And so are my feet.
The world goes on,
On its own
Despite the brakes,
I’m applying on.
World moves on and on and on.

People come people go
Some make a mark
Some leave me hammered.
Others are the persons
I’m really interested in
To know their reaction
I’m grasping in.

People who seem good
Are not so good
People who seem ugly
Are not so ugly
The goodness of heart
Is all I’m seeking for
But the cruelness, wickedness
Is all I’m besieged for
The vicious people around me
Keep on mushrooming
The venom in them
Keeps me paralyzing
Hoping for help
I seek gods’ benediction
Else staying alive may become a fiction
The road I’m walking in
Is severely treacherous.
Accidents I’m going through
Is d experience I’m grasping.
Helping me as a Kevlar
To keep existing
But the damage once done
Cannot be undone
For everything I’m going through
There is still lots to come

A beautiful mind is all
I am searching for
Hope Google could
Search that for me
Else how tiring it’s going to be
Can u help me find that one
Someone whom I can entrust
Someone who can stand by me
When asked for
well I’m truly going to find more soon
For I have some whom I rely on
Ones who have really make a mark
Occupy a special place in my heart..
They know what I speak is true
Hope those special diamonds
Don’t turn into coal..
Let me see how much dents
I still have to seek
The pain in me is worth the feel.