
Monday, May 23, 2011

Love - The Drug

Love is the drug that keeps one alive
Lives change completely when it arrive
It aint anything one can contrive
To find love one has to dive
And be confident through out the drive
Those who follow this get a high five
Life seems like a big hive
Either you enjoy the jive
Or end up with a wive

Love is the drug that keeps one alive
For living one has to derive
Some people try to belive
Some times one is tricked by the jive
Poor is one who after no fault is deprive
Sometimes one struggles just to survive
Sometimes life makes one to rive
Even after ditching people shrive
After loosing it all still one wishes to revive
But its always better to skive
Than be placed in gyve

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The little Princess

The poem is dedicated to my little sister Akshta aka Bebo!

The little Princess

The little Princess i'm bestowed
The idyllic girl
who expires pristine air
spreading fragrance all along
sings a melody,soothing to ears
but to make her sing is quite a task
her facial expressions are a delight to watch
originality and innocence in each thought

The little Princess
Bebo, my doll is mostly sweet
salty sometimes
the thought of her
springs me up anytime
her voice is really a delight
i can talk to you all day-night
the sight of her enlivens my heart
longing to cover the distance apart

The little Princess
i really love you
i don't have words
to express to you
you really don't know
how precious you are to me
i know you too really really love me

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I gotta Feeling

i gotta feeling
that every night gotta be a good night
why not a better night
followed by the best day to follow
it aint impossible to realise
just live every moment to make things right
things will try to materialise

i gotta feeling
that saying something is easy right
why not just show life a fair fight
i know you like to lead than to follow
act simple but wise
just make sure you're thinking right
people will acknowledge you likewise.

i gotta feeling
sometimes my lips dont stop, right!
but i have no intentions to be in spotlight
i know i kinda fillibuster and i aint callow
i tend to babble at times summarise
sometimes i falter to stand for right
my words aren't fallacious but nice.

i gotta feeling
i aint good to make things right
making sure my efforts ain't slight
my dedication is strong ain't hollow
im foolise to believe the wise
sometimes i dont believe what is right
soon i tumble down on ice

i gotta feeling
im going to move away from sight
wasting time isn't a respite
the loon stands back on the ice
quivering alone i foresight
i will forestall but stay nice.

i gotta feeling
people will feel they are always right
why disagree and offer a fight
just avoid the moment acting wise
people with guts stay calm and dont fright
i will try to act wise being nice.

Its been a while

Well its been a while
i don't feel like lost anymore
though the pain in d heart
has always remained
i wish i would have grown
stronger and stronger with each day more.

Well its been a while
my heart still beats some more
though d reason was always d same
i wish things would have remained
the same i wish no more
feeling lonely as ever before.

Well its been a while
i trust no ones fidelity anymore
i have grown apart
memories are the only remained
i wish i was forgetful some more
the forlorn addict has to live once more

Well its been a while
i feel like living today some more
though i have plans to dart
friends really none the ones that remained
i wish i wasn't the right guy any more
feeling bad when i know its no more

Well its been a while
i'm single to say some more
many say im gullible to start
my broodings some of what still remained
i wish to mingle and jingle no more
the connoisseur has regained his taste once more.

Well its been a while
i'm sure i wished some more
thinkin always from the heart
my path is certain, just heading off is remained
i think to delay no more
the oddessey continues i shall delay no more

Friday, December 26, 2008


Alone I am
Suffering pain in me.
Pain is all I have to share.
All I have in me is just pouring out.
Spreading all over
Pouring out from me
Making the world septic
The world seem dwindled.
Crying for help
Suffering is all I see in the world.
D whole world cries along with me.
As if all r dying and waiting to die..
The whole life is a long queue.
Queue of death
The queue is really long
A long one really
Suffering marks the experience
Gained by people in this death road.

Suffering suffering is all in this world..
Every man goes through them in his life
Every man spreads suffering in the world.
the more he lives the more he spreads it
Holy mother earth accepts it all
With open heart reduces d tension we carry
Nature makes us feel lighter
Even when we r fully loaded
With burden of life we are laid
Sorrows failures experiences
Being our main luggage.

Happy is an infant
As he carries none.
Innocent is a child
He is free from evilness
That world showers on him
He starts grabbing burden
Right from his childhood
Grabbing precious burden
In form of knowledge from others
Accepting the sorrow which people are spreading
With open hands he grabs
Everything he encounters
Lucky r d ones which
Remain happy despite suffering
Retain their innocence
Humanity dwells in them
Rest all is evil
D world is full of devils
Who wanna kill people soon
Giving others enough suffering
That they easily become overburdened
And reach d end of d odyssey
Death awaits them with open arms
Mother Nature is the one who tries
To free us all from burdens of life
Our addiction to the sufferings
Parts us from her
Makes us kill our own mother earth
We make her suffer too
And finally a day will come
When she would die too
Then there would b no 1 to weep my tears
We all will be sorry for that day

So I bear the pain in me
As the pain in me is worth d feel
As the spirit of living free
With ma mother earth still holds
And holds me tight in this journey of life
And slowly all pain killers are gone..
Nature is surely d best medicine
Come home to nature
Mother earth is still waiting
Waiting for lost sons
Lost in d labyrinth of life
Finally getting hold of devils
And departing from home
Reaching hell
And making mother weep for them
Please hear her voice
She is calling all
Come soon come soon
Mother is still waiting
Mother is waiting back home.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Odyssey

Walking down the road,
Crossing the street,
The world keeps moving
And so are my feet.
The world goes on,
On its own
Despite the brakes,
I’m applying on.
World moves on and on and on.

People come people go
Some make a mark
Some leave me hammered.
Others are the persons
I’m really interested in
To know their reaction
I’m grasping in.

People who seem good
Are not so good
People who seem ugly
Are not so ugly
The goodness of heart
Is all I’m seeking for
But the cruelness, wickedness
Is all I’m besieged for
The vicious people around me
Keep on mushrooming
The venom in them
Keeps me paralyzing
Hoping for help
I seek gods’ benediction
Else staying alive may become a fiction
The road I’m walking in
Is severely treacherous.
Accidents I’m going through
Is d experience I’m grasping.
Helping me as a Kevlar
To keep existing
But the damage once done
Cannot be undone
For everything I’m going through
There is still lots to come

A beautiful mind is all
I am searching for
Hope Google could
Search that for me
Else how tiring it’s going to be
Can u help me find that one
Someone whom I can entrust
Someone who can stand by me
When asked for
well I’m truly going to find more soon
For I have some whom I rely on
Ones who have really make a mark
Occupy a special place in my heart..
They know what I speak is true
Hope those special diamonds
Don’t turn into coal..
Let me see how much dents
I still have to seek
The pain in me is worth the feel.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just a Man

I’m just a just a man
Thinking of the world as I can
Dreaming of it as I can
Feeling it as I can
Exploring it how I can
Experiencing it anyways I can
Adjusting to it how I can
Expressing myself however I can
Because I’m just a just a man

I’m just a just a man
Exploring every woman I can
Appreciating beauty whenever I can
Feeling it whenever I can
Thinking of her whenever I can
Experiencing whatever I can
Expressing to the woman I care
Loving the woman whom I care
Because I’m just a just a man

I’m just a just a man
Acting smart in any way I can
Listening to tunes whatever I can
Memorizing songs whatever I can
Dancing to the rhythm whenever I can
Fearlessly I do whatever I can
Having memories whenever I can
Remembering names whatever I can
Spending quality time whenever I can
Because I’m just a just a man

I’m just a just a man
Wasting time whenever I can
Harming myself however I can
Experiencing pain whenever I can
Crying alone whenever I can
Still spreading happiness to the world I can
And finally ill rest in peace if I can
Because I’m just a just a man
