
Friday, December 26, 2008


Alone I am
Suffering pain in me.
Pain is all I have to share.
All I have in me is just pouring out.
Spreading all over
Pouring out from me
Making the world septic
The world seem dwindled.
Crying for help
Suffering is all I see in the world.
D whole world cries along with me.
As if all r dying and waiting to die..
The whole life is a long queue.
Queue of death
The queue is really long
A long one really
Suffering marks the experience
Gained by people in this death road.

Suffering suffering is all in this world..
Every man goes through them in his life
Every man spreads suffering in the world.
the more he lives the more he spreads it
Holy mother earth accepts it all
With open heart reduces d tension we carry
Nature makes us feel lighter
Even when we r fully loaded
With burden of life we are laid
Sorrows failures experiences
Being our main luggage.

Happy is an infant
As he carries none.
Innocent is a child
He is free from evilness
That world showers on him
He starts grabbing burden
Right from his childhood
Grabbing precious burden
In form of knowledge from others
Accepting the sorrow which people are spreading
With open hands he grabs
Everything he encounters
Lucky r d ones which
Remain happy despite suffering
Retain their innocence
Humanity dwells in them
Rest all is evil
D world is full of devils
Who wanna kill people soon
Giving others enough suffering
That they easily become overburdened
And reach d end of d odyssey
Death awaits them with open arms
Mother Nature is the one who tries
To free us all from burdens of life
Our addiction to the sufferings
Parts us from her
Makes us kill our own mother earth
We make her suffer too
And finally a day will come
When she would die too
Then there would b no 1 to weep my tears
We all will be sorry for that day

So I bear the pain in me
As the pain in me is worth d feel
As the spirit of living free
With ma mother earth still holds
And holds me tight in this journey of life
And slowly all pain killers are gone..
Nature is surely d best medicine
Come home to nature
Mother earth is still waiting
Waiting for lost sons
Lost in d labyrinth of life
Finally getting hold of devils
And departing from home
Reaching hell
And making mother weep for them
Please hear her voice
She is calling all
Come soon come soon
Mother is still waiting
Mother is waiting back home.



  1. very put a lot of thinking to this poem..i lyk it

  2. i like this poem very much...your smart***

  3. very nice poem...........
    really emotional!!!........touched our sentiments........

  4. hey plzz include your name ..i can't get who has commented...plzz mention ur name....

  5. Good creativity.!!!!.......I m ecstatic to see more of different taste...:)

  6. very very sad poem...with a lot of pain...i totally agree apoorv...all pain is pouring out from u, and u are making the world septic(hint)

  7. i really like the way u write

  8. i jus love poetry on death.. evry1's got a unique take on it.. d darker n morbid it gets, the better!!! my fav's d 1 by emily dickinson on 'death'.. catch up on tht poem sum day.. u'll love it..

  9. its really heart touchable..kip writing man..

  10. wao! I like ur thoughtful approach in this poem.....
    Keep it up dude. :)

  11. so...i guess u hav to b put in very pensive state to bring out the best poet in u....nice poem,though sad; and m happy to see smiling apoorv joshi back in form... :)

  12. sad but good writing ... it is showing the sadness in u,but poem is really good. It can make any one sad.
