
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The little Princess

The poem is dedicated to my little sister Akshta aka Bebo!

The little Princess

The little Princess i'm bestowed
The idyllic girl
who expires pristine air
spreading fragrance all along
sings a melody,soothing to ears
but to make her sing is quite a task
her facial expressions are a delight to watch
originality and innocence in each thought

The little Princess
Bebo, my doll is mostly sweet
salty sometimes
the thought of her
springs me up anytime
her voice is really a delight
i can talk to you all day-night
the sight of her enlivens my heart
longing to cover the distance apart

The little Princess
i really love you
i don't have words
to express to you
you really don't know
how precious you are to me
i know you too really really love me


  1. ur sister sounds real cute..!!

  2. wow...simply excellent...gr8 work dude...i know what it is to write such a poem and you've written a gr8 poem

  3. Bro luv u too. Missing u very much N poem mast hai. Thanxx....

  4. @akshta: im lovin it
    @akshay: thanks yaar
    @Kshitij: yeah she is!

  5. your sister must hav got senti aftr reading this very beautiful composition....nice portrait of innocent feelings of a brother..... good work, dude

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